As coordinator, consortium member or partner, we have passed the 70 international project mark. We are happy to continue working for the benefit of the European Union.
We serve the community in cooperation with our international partners from the European Union, the Eastern Partnership and the Caucasus region.
We are the founders of Latvia's largest Erasmus+ Programme Facebook group: "Erasmus+ Latvia". If you want to post a call for participants or partners - you are welcome!
Our goal was to grow the ambitions of Latvian youth, to show them educational and other kind of options how to find themselves. We implement local activities in Riga and not only: Photo and video projects, business club, discussion club, exhibitions etc.
From the moment of foundation we send youngsters to international E+ projects around the Europe. We are founders of one of the biggest Latvian E+ network on Facebook: Erasmus+ Latvia. In 2016 we passed the accreditation process for “European Voluntary Service” (EVS).
Already 3 years together with our members we create social start-ups. These social projects help us to increase visibility, discover such useful tools as model CANVAS, social media, the soul of entrepreneurship and crowdfunding. Let’s see what we did so far!